SECONDS - 340gsm Bamboo/Hemp Fleece

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Seconds Bamboo/Hemp Fabric
$15.20 Regular Price $19.00


This product has a line of weakness in the knit, through the length.

When prewashing, or once garments are in use, this weakness may develop into a small hole in patches.


As the fabric is in tube form, and needs to be cut open anyway, we suggest identifying and cutting this product open along the line, and then it shouldn't be an issue in your garments


20% Hemp, 80% Bamboo
Width approx 155cm

Bamboo/Hemp blend is perfect for cloth nappies as hemp has four times the durability and absorption of cotton, so you can have a super absorbant nappy, without the bulk. Hemp also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, making it ideal for nappies.

Not only does it make a great nappy, but it's an environmentally kind choice too - the growth of hemp has less impact on our environment, requires less water to grow than cotton, requires less labor, and hemp can be reproduced much faster than cotton.

Bamboo/Hemp Fleece has been brushed, so it's lovely and soft and fleecy. One side is smooth and the other has a fleecy look and feel.

Care instructions: Hemp shrinks a lot on the first wash, up to 20%. It is advised to wash and dry several times prior to using in nappies (preferably on a hot wash) to remove natural oils in the fabric which are said to hinder it reaching its full absorbtion potential until they are washed out - see the FAQ section for info on prewashing & shrinkage. After initial prewashing & shrinkage, can be hot or cold washed, & is ok for the drier. Do not use fabric softener or bleach.