9.5mm Zelor Ring Snaps
If you want quality in metal snaps - look no further.
In this one listing you will find everything you require to attach 9.5mm Zelor Ring Snaps: the press machine, die sets, and the snaps themselves
SNAP PRESS & 9.5mm Zelor DIE SETS are required to attach these snaps. You cannot use a hammer, nor can you use other die sets
These Zelor ring snap die sets are a 2-piece die set, with a top die that does both studs and sockets - no changing over dies to do each part!
You can mix and match all of the products up within the 9.5mm Zelor range. The stud and the sockets are the same for the ring snaps as well as for the cap and pearl snaps - so if you want to conserve your Pearl Snaps, and get Ring Snaps to go on the inside - you can. Given the studs and sockets are the same - your ability to mix and match to suit gives endless options in the Zelor range
The Pearl and Cap range require their own bottom die, these were included with the 5-piece Zelor Snap die sets, or can be found with the pearl and cap snaps listings, if you do not already have these.